Puritan Productions is excited to announce that we will be debuting in AUSTIN, TEXAS, our newly updated script, "Amazing Grace" - the life story of John Newon, September 2018! We are also excited to be back in Garland, at the Granville Arts Center, November 2018.
Luther Reviews
"Great day yesterday! I am proud of you!! Do you have any electronic announcements of future performances? I want to send it out to about 150 people."
- Dr. John Hannah, Dallas Theological Seminary
"The production was GREAT! All the people that came with me totally enjoyed it. Thanks for all your work. You did a phenomenal job.”
- Beth Motley, Dallas Theological Seminary
“Our youth seemed to be engaged and told me they enjoyed it. Praying that the heart of the reformation of trusting in Christ alone penetrates their hearts.”
- Kyle Boone, Youth Minister at Scofield Memorial Church
"It was such a joy to see the Luther play. Anca and I were talking on our way back of how much we appreciated seeing Luther's life "come to life” through this play."
- Pastor Samuel Clintoc, Parks Hills Baptist Church
"Had the privilege to see this play last Sunday in Ft Worth. Loved learning more about Martin Luther. You won't regret making time to see it this weekend!!! "
- Kathy Hjelm
“The production was excellent. The actors were all very good.”
- Neil Curran, Biblical Communications International
"The theater should be packed out and bring it to Colorado Springs. It will bring "Life to life or Death to death"; even to us..."
- Doug Frieberger
- Mike Amis, Believers Chapel Dallas
“Outstanding production! Thank you!!”
- Ginny Amis, Believers Chapel Dallas
“We enjoyed it very, very much. God has given you a great gift!!!!!!”
- Jeanette Duncan, Believers Chapel Dallas
“Enjoyed the play. It was very well done. You covered an eventful and complicated life deftly. I thought you handled Luther in Wartburg Castle well with the dancer, Jocelyn, attacking him. Clever. Good job. Thank you.”
- Dan Duncan, Believers Chapel Dallas
"Lorraine and I and our Ft Worth family enjoyed the Saturday afternoon performance very much"
- Phil Simpson, Believers Chapel Dallas
“Excellent production!!! Thank you for all who put this stirring play with such a strong message together!!! Wonderfully talented people!!!”
- Mimi Vincent, Believers Chapel Dallas
2/2017 |
Coming this October 2017, 500 years after his nailing of the 95 Theses on the door at Castle Church, we are so blessed to announce our brand new production! MARTIN LUTHER, a drama with chorus and ballet about the life of Martin Luther, the great reformer.
Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Sunday, October 15, 2017 at 3:00 pm
Saturday, October 28th, 2017 at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Sunday, October 29th, 2017 at 3:00 pm
6/2016 |
Puritan Productions is excited to announce that we will be debuting in AUSTIN, TEXAS, our inaugural performance, The Pilgrim's Progress!